May 10

RIPM Jazz Periodicals is Now Available!

RIPM is pleased to announce the release of RIPM JAZZ PERIODICALS, a unique, searchable collection of 105 American (U.S) full-text jazz journals and magazines published from 1914 to roughly the year 2000. Developed in collaboration with the Institute of Jazz Studies (IJS) at Rutgers University and RIPM’s Partner and Participating Libraries, RIPM JAZZ PERIODICALS offers access, for the first time, to this essential documentary resource. All journal issues are out-of-print and rarely accessible, with numerous complete publication runs reconstructed by RIPM.

For many years, jazz scholars, critics, and enthusiasts have recognized the importance of this body of literature. For, it relates an almost daily chronicle of American jazz culture as seen through the eyes of its contemporaries. Explore the history of jazz with this exceptional collection of primary source documentation.

Future installments of RIPM JAZZ PERIODICALS are to include numerous additional American titles, including those from Canada, as well as European jazz journals.

For institutional trials and subscriptions, from small public libraries and conservatories to large research institutions, click here.

Visit for more information.

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May 1

Musical Caricatures in the RIPM Archives No. 3

What greater threat than depriving the audience of what it holds most dear?

Richard Wagner à Munich.  Le premier Bavarois qui aura le malheur de bailler à mon opéra sera privé de bière pendant huit jours! /
Richard Wagner in Munich. The first Bavarian who has the misfortune of yawing during my opera will be deprived of beer for eight days!
L’Illustration, Vol. XLVI No. 1167 (8 July 1865): 28.
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