December 10

How Did Celebrated 19th-century Composers and Performers Spend the Holiday Season?

christmasPartywithCaption                 BatonChristmasCover

[The Baton III, no. 3 (December, 1923): 13]                [The Baton V, no. 3 (December, 1925): 1]

To celebrate the holiday season, we turn to the December 1925 issue of The Baton (New York, 1922-1932). The following article, “Glimpses of Christmas: From the Correspondence of Great Musicians” shows how some celebrated nineteenth-century musicians “of the past spent Christmas” as illustrated through their correspondence and diaries.

Read the article below to see how Robert Schumann, Jenny Lind, Hans von Bülow, Johannes Brahms, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner and others celebrated Christmas and the holiday season. (Click on each image to zoom in.)




[The Baton V no. 3, (December, 1925): 2-4]


The staff at the RIPM Center wishes all of you a happy and healthy holiday season and best wishes for the coming year!


RIPM Search Tip: For more interesting holiday stories, search RIPM’s Retrospective Index for “Christmas” within the periodical The Baton.


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